"What better measure of success is there than SG World USA's unique and unparalleled inspections product"
This month is National Ladder Safety Month and co-incidentally, SG World USA received an unprompted, and unexpected email from Travis Gregg, CSP, CHST, a Senior Safety Coordinator with Milller Electric Company celebrating the difference our patented Ladder Inspection Checklist Solution makes to his team's safety success, and here's what he said:
"Good Morning,
Walking through the vacant Miller - Tampa Office warehouse this morning and a "paddle" hanging from a ladder caught an eye. Seeing the SG World inspection solutions in the field is often from whence excitement swells. Please take a moment to consider another measure of success.
The number of ladders in our warehouse ebbs and flows; issued, returned, and issued again. Attached, you will find two photos of our current ebb. The commitment of the field teams is evident. The ladder inspections are happening in the field. Returned to storage, these ladders will soon be issued to another job site. These ladders will arrive with paddles affixed, not by our warehouse team, but by the employees and their peers. Talk about ownership!
As SG World continues to provide their superior, nay, unique and unparalleled product, it behoves us to identify buy-in of those we employ to utilize the product. Seeing these paddles on ladders in storage is a sign of encouragement that culture and sustainability is underway. What better measure of success is there?
Travis Gregg, CSP, CHST"
While we at SG World USA are passionate about the unparalleled difference our exciting safety solutions make, and we are grateful for the feedback we get regularly from our customers in all industries. This unprompted note made our day. We hope it also gives those not yet experiencing the value of our solutions the comfort to give them a try, as we know you'll soon be sharing in the same delight as Travis and Miller Electric. Check out our inspections range here.