Safety Beyond Standards: Staying OSHA Compliant in Every Aspect


Did you know that powered industrial trucks rank 7th on OSHA's Top 10 list of most cited violations? Out of the 1,922 violations, 132 were attributed to defective or unsafe trucks, while another 120 were due to inadequate pre-shift inspections. This highlights the critical importance of ensuring proper safety measures when it comes to forklifts and other powered industrial trucks. At SG World USA, we are committed to raising awareness and promoting forklift safety to ensure a strong safety culture.

OSHA Speaks

Forklift pre-shift inspections are not just common practice, but they're also required by OSHA regulations. OSHA requires in 1910.178(q)(7) that forklifts be inspected daily or before each shift by a qualified operator and any defects found shall be immediately reported and corrected. 


Failing to meet OSHA requirements can result in significant financial consequences, with penalties increasing by over 7 percent in 2023, also the U.S. DOL and U.S. EPA published their 2023 increases to civil penalties. At SG World USA, we recognize the difficulties of juggling various priorities, including regulatory compliance, adherence to OSHA standards, and the need to maintain productivity. These demands can sometimes overshadow the importance of safety in the workplace.

To learn more about OSHA penalties click here and see the impact it can have in your workplace.

Prevention Starts Here

While OSHA doesn't explicitly require documenting pre-shift inspections, having a documented record of these inspections is crucial for proving compliance. As they say, "If you can't prove it, it didn't happen.Pre-shift inspections are the first line of defense in preventing accidents, staying OSHA compliant, and eliminating significant penalties. 


This is where SG World USA's patented solutions come in. As you approach the equipment, a glance at the color indicator tells you everything you need to know. You can instantly see if your inspections have been completed. No more searching and guesswork, no more printing out sheets upon sheets of inspection logs, and trying to determine if the necessary inspections were done.

The color indicators provide a visual cue, letting you know whether the equipment is ready for use or requires attention. With SGW's inspection checklists, you can ensure that your inspections are not only done but also well-documented, providing you with the proof you need to demonstrate your commitment to safety and to OSHA compliance.

The next time you're about to hop on a forklift, take a moment to inspect it first. It might just save a life or prevent a potential injury.

To learn more about how our solution can revolutionize your forklift pre-shift inspections, visit our website or contact us directly. Let us help you make a difference in your inspections and strengthen safety culture in your workplace. 

Previous Blog: 6 Keys to Achieve Effective Forklift Pre-Shift Inspections


SG World USA Inspection Solutions

Congor Article on Forklift Accidents